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Our Commitment to ESG

Longhouse is committed to integrating ESG principles into the Firm's operating philosophy and as a risk factor in the ICS Fund's investment decision making process.


As a majority Indigenous-owned alternative asset manager, Longhouse believes that ESG principals reflect longstanding Indigenous teachings that are core to our mission. Indeed, we believe ESG principles are akin to Indigenous teachings, thus, we refer to ESG as ESG=I (i.e., ESG = Indigenous teachings).


Our Firm is founded on the pillars of, and guided by, the Seven Sacred Teachings (i.e., Respect, Truth, Humility, Honesty, Courage, Wisdom and Love) and, as stewards of capital, we recognize how material ESG=I considerations impact the performance of our team and the long-term success of our Firm and investments.


By integrating ESG=I principals into the Firm’s operating philosophy and as a risk factor in our investment decision making process, we believe Longhouse will be best positioned to  accomplish its mission of generating attractive risk-adjusted returns for our investors and making a lasting positive impact on Indigenous communities for generations.

Our 5-5-5 Pledge

5% Gifted Equity Interest

5% of Longhouse’s Equity has been allocated to our First Nations partners

5% Gifted Fund Carry

5% of Fund Carry has also been allocated to our First Nations partners

5% Commitment to Mentoring

5% of our time pledged to mentoring and guiding First Nations’ youth

The Seven Sacred Teachings form our foundation of values, set us apart from our peers and guide all of our Firm’s activity and decision making.

Strive for first-class investment analysis and decision-making by listening to those around us and applying their knowledge and experience

Continuously seek new opportunities and adapt to evolving markets. Take responsibility and have conviction in our decisions

Acknowledge the importance of constant learning in a complex and evolving market. Recognize that high-quality performance cannot consistently be achieved through talent or experience alone, but only in combination with hard work, dedication and focus

Act in a way that respects our Limited Partners and the resources entrusted to us, as well as our Firm, our employees, Indigenous communities, our First Nation partners and the First Nations we support through our investment activity

Communicate openly and honestly, act in the best interests of Limited Partners and adhere to high ethical standards
Truth and Love

Maintain a disciplined approach to investing, focusing on risk management and responsible decision-making and;

Find balance and foster inclusion by seeking diverse perspectives
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